General Perception:
There is a general perception that no good work can be done by civil servants on account of the interference of politicians. This is quite incorrect. The fact is that upto 20-25 years of an administrator’s life; most of the IAS officers are entrusted with the responsibility of administering laws of the land and the development schemes. These laws and schemes can be administered by the civil servants guided by the provisions thereof in letter and spirit and the dictates of the public interest. There would of course be attempts by local politicians to intercede on behalf of their constituents, but as the law and the schemes are fairly clear, the officers should and can implement the same impartially and fairly. If this is done by the officers, it is soon recognised by the people and the public representatives and thereafter, generally, there is no such interference as well. It is very much possible for civil servants to change things at a grass-root level if he has the desire and meticulousness. In fact, it is the initial years of service, which most of the civil servants fondly remember for the contribution they made and the change they brought out in the lives of people. In the later period of their service, the IAS Officers do act as advisers to the political executive, the elected lot, but that according to Mr. Garg the duties of the civil servants in this phase should be understood and not misunderstood. The elected representatives have the final say in law making and policy decision, which is entirely constitutional. The civil servants should of course give their advice fearlessly and based on sound analysis and facts.
Nature of Work:
According to Mr. Garg, IAS is one of the most versatile services available. There is tremendous variety in the jobs which an IAS officer gets to do during his or her service career. The job includes public administration, finance, law and order, social sector, security, business, agriculture, service sector, non profit sector and various other fields. Generally, an IAS officer gets to work with everything that affects people or society in general. It is best suited for those who like variety in their work and love working with people. It may not be the best choice for aspirants who have great technocratic streak in them and would be satisfied by excelling in a particular field only, like hard core technocrats, doctors or businessmen.
Personal Growth:
The amount of variety in this job enables excellent mental and intellectual growth. At times, decision making needs to be very tough and reflexive. There is no way this job will become monotonous and boring for those who liked it in the first place.
Life of an IAS Officer:
The routine of work is highly varied and depends on the place of posting, the kind of work which an officer is handling as well as whether the times are easy or rough, meaning whether you have a crisis at hand. In normal times, the job offers time for recreation and travel but an officer has to be on his toes in unforeseen/ crisis situations/ circumstances like terrorist attacks, natural calamities, elections or times of riots or war. Hence the routine is not much predictable.
Should you go for it?
As the last time, our take is, go for it for the love of it. Authority, power and job security apart, what stays is the satisfaction that comes from the service of people. If you are not a people friendly person, if you love machines, research and doctoral practice more, if the very soul of this job does not appeal to you, don't go for it. These are just the facts, judgement is your wisdom!
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